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Yellow Chair Collective Blog

A silhouette of a couple holding hands while overlooking an evening city skyline. Learn how individual therapy in Los Angeles, CA can offer support with dating by searching for online couples therapy in California. An Asian therapist in California can offer support today.

Ask a Therapist – What Should I Do When Dating?

Today’s modern dating scene is messy and confusing, and there seems to be conflicting advice all over the internet. Every tiktok, instagram reel, and magazine article seems to have a different list of “Do’s and Don’ts.” While we might not be able to help you

A close up of people holding hands. This could represent the bonds cultivated when working with a neurodiversity-affirming therapist in Los Angeles, CA. Search for an online therapist in New York to learn more about the help an ADHD therapist in Los Angeles, CA or New York can offer.

6 Common Challenges in ADHD Couples + Tips for Coping

ADHD Couples, or couples in which at least one person has ADHD, have twice the rate of divorce compared to the general population. ADHD impacts multiple areas of life, and is in fact considered a disability by the Americans with Disability Act. Whether you or

Ask A Therapist – Why is Dating So Hard?

Today’s modern dating scene seems to be messier and more confusing than ever. For many people, it doesn’t feel possible to find love the way that previous generations found it. And if you’re lucky enough to find a potential partner, it feels so challenging to