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Yellow Chair Collective Blog

A silhouette of a woman sitting alone on a dock. This could represent the struggles of depression that Asian American therapy in New York can address. Learn more about Asian American therapy near me and more today.

Recognizing the Signs: Unveiling Depression Among Asian Americans

Depression is a prevalent mental health condition that can affect anyone, regardless of their age, gender, or race or ethnicity. For Asian Americans, cultural factors and societal expectations can contribute to the under-recognition and underreporting of depressive symptoms. In addition, stigma and the lack of

A carton of eggs with different emotion faces to represent the spectrum of emotions that we can feel as humans. The Asian American Emotion Management Coaching group can teach people how to cope with difficult feelings.

3 Powerful Coping Skills for Difficult Emotions

The Common Struggles of Dealing with Hard Emotions Diverse Asian American therapy clients come to therapy with a wide array of issues, ranging from anxiety and interpersonal issues to eating disorders and low self-esteem. However, there is one commonality we see across almost all clients–