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Teen & Adult ADHD Therapy

Are you a teen or adult struggling with ADHD symptoms?

Have you been recently diagnosed with an inattentive type of adult ADHD?

Growing up, your symptoms may have been overlooked. This is likely true if your ADHD style is more inattentive than hyperactive. You may have been that kid who was very chatty, blurting things out impulsively. For many, this leads to feelings of regret. You take forever to finish (or not even finish) a project because you get so distracted. Further, you may try multi-tasking, but it never helps. You were that kid who would be in class, then not remember what the teacher was talking about. You may have been told, “you can be smart, but you’re lazy.” Ouch!

It’s likely that you’ve minimized or tried to ignore your symptoms for so long because you didn’t know what ADHD was. Or you’ve been afraid of the stigma attached to an ADHD diagnosis. Perhaps your family or cultural expectations are very competitive. Additionally, admitting you struggle with ADHD can be a very scary thing to do.

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Image of a person sitting on a bench and thinking. This image depicts what someone may look like while considering adult ADHD treatment in Los Angeles, CA. Starting with an ADHD therapist can help decrease symptoms. (91006, 90071).

What is Adult ADHD?

People with ADHD embody many strengths and positive characteristics. They are creatives, risk-takers, and multi-taskers. Contrary to the stigma, many people with neurodiversity are highly successful in their careers. Having a brain with ADHD is not a bad thing. Nor is it a sign that there is something wrong with you.

Having ADHD does not make you dumb, stupid, or lazy. ADHD symptoms do bring unique challenges that make it harder to “fit in.” However, this is because society is not made for ADHD or neurodivergent people. And we all are more than our symptoms and struggles.

Image of a woman reading and drinking a cup of coffee. This image represents someone who may be in need of adult ADHD treatment, but hasn't started. Reach out to an ADHD therapist in Los Angeles, CA for support. | 91108 | 90232
Image of a young Asian woman on a slide in a park. An ADHD therapist in in Los Angeles, CA can help you overcome ADHD symptoms. | 91108 | 91006

Challenges of Living with ADHD Symptoms

Regardless of your status, ADHD symptoms can impact you in many ways. And these impacts affect your career, relationships, and everyday tasks.

Living with this disorder creates inconsistency in your attention, memory, and concentration. When your task prioritization and time management skills are impacted, it can feel like everything is falling apart. So, every day there are experiences that create added stress and anxiety because of the struggles of living with neurodiversity.

The Impact of Adult ADHD

Additionally, there is a lot of stigma associated with an ADHD diagnosis. Many people believe that it is only a childhood disorder, which perpetuates negative beliefs about the disorder.

Many folks internalize their struggles, such as feelings of being different and not fitting in. The thought “what is wrong with me?” may have crossed your mind before. All of these experiences with ADHD can have a negative impact on self-esteem and lead you to have a negative view of yourself.

There is nothing more frustrating than being told that your struggles with inconsistent attention, distractibility, and organization skills are because you lack willpower, are lazy, or refuse to make an effort.

In a world where most people don’t struggle with ADHD (only about 4-5% of U.S. adults have the disorder), you may feel immensely lonely and hopeless. It feels like you always have to keep up or else risk feeling like you’re lagging behind everyone else. These circumstances make it even more difficult to cope and may even lead you to minimize, invalidate, or hide your symptoms. And this can heighten your innermost emotional struggles even further.

Image of a hand holding sand and releasing it toward the ground. This image illustrates how someone may feel before starting adult ADHD treatment in Los Angeles, CA. Working with an ADHD therapist can really help. | 90504 | 90505

Teen and Adult ADHD Therapy in Los Angeles, CA

At our Los Angeles and New York City-based therapy practice, we are devoted to providing an accepting, and nonjudgmental therapeutic environment. An ADHD therapist will help you learn strategies and acquire tools to manage your symptoms and struggles. And we are devoted to ensuring that you leave treatment feeling empowered, with renewed confidence in yourself.

Our strengths-based approach to treatment helps you discover your positive attributes and skills. These unique qualities have likely been overshadowed by environments that are not conducive for people with ADHD. The same qualities are ignored by those around you who not understand the disorder. Because of this, it’s possible that you too may have forgotten your own amazing strengths, skills, and talents.

As an adult with ADHD, you don’t have to give up on your hopes and dreams. You don’t have to settle for the “limitations” imposed by your symptoms. Your ADHD therapist will work alongside you. They will guide you as you learn to tap into and use your unique strengths. The adult ADHD brain processes information differently from the neurotypical mind. However, these differences do not mean that your competence, intelligence, or skills are any less!

Our Approach to Teen and Adult ADHD Treatment

At Yellow Chair Collective, we will provide you with education about living with ADHD. We will talk about neurodiversity and how environments are not adapted for people with it. In other words, you have spent your life being judged on your abilities while performing on an uneven playing field.

ADHD therapy will help you learn how certain working and learning conditions will allow you space and flexibility to thrive and to fulfill your utmost potential! Our ADHD therapists wholeheartedly believe in an undiscovered, powerful potential that lies within you.

Image of a woman sitting in a woven chair reading a book. This image depicts someone who might benefit from adult ADHD treatment in Los Angeles, CA. Reach out to get started with an adult ADHD therapist today. | 91108 | 90232

The ADHD therapists at our therapy practice located in Los Angeles, CA specialize in the assessment and treatment of teen and adult ADHD. We use effective evidence-based approaches. These treatment approaches include:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy

Expressive Art Therapy

Attachment Therapy for adult attachment issues

The treatment services you receive will be individually tailored to you. We focus on going beyond symptom management alone. We value the process of healing from shame and trauma that years of trying to overcome this disorder. Our supportive approaches guide you as you learn the coping strategies and methods that will enable you to surpass challenges you’ve faced in life. We will help in places where this disorder has interfered with your wellbeing and quality of life.

Begin Adult ADHD Treatment in Los Angeles, CA

Whether you’ve recently received a diagnosis or are interested in finding out more about neurodiversity, our therapists can help. The ADHD therapists at our practice in Los Angeles, CA have the expertise to help adults and teens manage symptoms. And not only manage, but find creative ways to use ADHD to your benefit instead of seeing it only as a negative. To get started with in-person sessions or online therapy, follow the steps below.

  1. Book an appointment with us using the contact form or the prompt below.
  2. Start meeting with an ADHD therapist.
  3. Rid yourself of internalized negativity about ADHD and find strength in your skills.

Other Services at Yellow Chair Collective

Not only does our team help with ADHD, but our skilled therapists provide anxiety treatment and burnout treatment, too. We provide culturally sensitive therapy for postpartum concerns, trauma and PTSD, and highly sensitive people. You can gain the benefits of any of these services or online at our Los Angeles and New York-based counseling center.

Book Your Appointment Today

If you have 2 or more insurance plans, Aetna or Cigna must be the primary insurance plan for in-network coverage. If either is not your primary plan, you may be responsible for full session fees. We are only in-network for these plans in California.
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