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Tag: burnout

Asian Americans & Boundary Setting Over the Holiday Season

For people with loving families where everyone just somehow gets along, the holidays is usually something to look forward to that brings a smile to your face thinking about the fun, love and laughter usually shared over a table of warm, delicious food. If this resonates, this article is likely

A close up of a hand holding a pen over a checkbox next to the word burnout. Learn how to find balance with a burnout therapist in Los Angeles, CA by searching for individual therapy in Los Angeles, CA. You can get in contact with an Asian American therapist near me today.

How to Manage Job Burnout and Career Anxiety

For many of us, our jobs occupy a significant portion of our time. As a result, they also tend to occupy a significant portion of our headspace. Given that we must spend so many hours per week at work, it is no wonder that we face stress and exhaustion due