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Online Therapy

A woman working on her laptop. This could represent searching for online anxiety treatment in California. Search for asian american therapist near me for support with EMDR therapy in Los Angeles, CA today.

Managing Anxiety: Online EMDR as an Unexpected Treatment for Anxiety

You’ve likely heard about Eye-Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) as a therapy treatment. Furthermore, it is also likely that you’ve heard about it as a treatment. This includes post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other trauma-related disorders. What is less likely is that you have heard about

Image of an online meeting between two people. This image exemplifies a session of virtual EMDR in California. Being PTSD treatment today. | 90404 | 90503

Benefits of Virtual EMDR Therapy: Trauma & PTSD Treatment

Do you feel jumpy, disconnected, or like you are walking around in a daze? Suffer from flashbacks or nightmares of stressful events? Do you avoid situations or reminders of the traumatic event? You may have experienced some sort of trauma. What’s Considered Trauma? Trauma appears

Photo shows a teen boy walking down a hallway. This photo represents how therapy for teens in Los Angeles, CA can help cope with being a highly sensitive person.

How Online Therapy Can Help Your Highly Sensitive Teen

Do you think you may have a highly sensitive teen? When children are sensitive, we may see it as a developmental stage. As they grow, parents may realize their teenager is more sensitive to inner and external stimuli (e.g., light, noise, pain). Sensitive teens may